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starting to create interop for Media Foundation encode

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Thanks Mark,

That was quick of you.  The window function code now looks correct.

Best wishes

John C

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Source code checked in, #f61b413ba7b8

fixed encoding - must create new media buffer and sample for every write

New Post: Resampler Transform


(between two business trips) I created a class ResamplerTransform(based on dmo.resamplermediaobject)
I wonder if this basis is correct

///<summary>/// From wmcodecsdp.h/// Implements:/// - IMediaObject /// - IMFTransform (Media foundation - we will leave this for now as there is loads of MF stuff)/// - IPropertyStore /// - IWMResamplerProps /// Can resample PCM or IEEE///</summary>
	[ComImport, Guid("f447b69e-1884-4a7e-8055-346f74d6edb3")]class CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject
	{// SAME DMO ResamplerMediaObjects, but rename :-)
	}///<summary>/// Resampler (base Dmo.ResamplerMediaObjects)///</summary>publicclass ResamplerTranform : IDisposable
		 * TODO implante channelConversionMatrix
		 * TODO implante Quality properties ????

		NAudio.Dmo.IWMResamplerProps resamplerPropsInterface;
		IMFTransform resamplerTransformInterface;

		CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject mediaComObject;

		public ResamplerTranform()
			: this(60)
		}///<summary>/// Creates a new Resampler based on the DMO Resampler///</summary>public ResamplerTranform(int outputQuality)
			mediaComObject = new CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject();

			resamplerPropsInterface = (NAudio.Dmo.IWMResamplerProps)mediaComObject;

			// Quality
			resamplerPropsInterface.SetHalfFilterLength(outputQuality);// Channels//	resamplerPropsInterface.SetUserChannelMtx(channelConversionMatrix);

			resamplerTransformInterface = (IMFTransform)mediaComObject;


		public IMFTransform Transform
		{get { return resamplerTransformInterface; }
		}public NAudio.Dmo.IWMResamplerProps ResamplerProps
		{get { return resamplerPropsInterface; }
		}#region IDisposable Memberspublicvoid Dispose()
		{if (resamplerPropsInterface != null)
				resamplerPropsInterface = null;
			}if (resamplerTransformInterface != null)
				resamplerTransformInterface = null;
			}if (mediaComObject != null)
				mediaComObject = null;

New Post: Resampler Transform


Yes, this is very similar to how we do it for DMO (although I didn't know there was quality property). The main challenge is learning how to use the IMediaTransform interface to efficiently pass byte arrays in and out, and also getting it to flush its buffers on a reposition.

On a different note, I got encoding to AAC from a byte array working last night, and some of your interop definitions proved very helpful so thanks very much.


New Post: Resampler Transform


I still continued my example (http://code.google.com/p/bitspersampleconv2/wiki/HowToUseResamplerMFT) integrated Mediafoundationreader the moment and to learn.

I saw your approach Encoder and use of buffers, I think it will be very useful for my procedure.


Incidentally I found a book for you


can be a gift idea for Christmas;-) ok this is not funny :-)

New Post: Resampler Transform


So, I need your help.

I created this procedure from a c + + example
I came across an error (HResult): The called 0xC00D35B5 no longer accept additional input.
You know of this error?


IMFSourceReader retSourceReader = null;
int hr = 0;// ADD Constant
Guid  MF_MT_ALL_SAMPLES_INDEPENDENT = new Guid("c9173739-5e56-461c-b713-46fb995cb95f");// see MFErreurconstint MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT = unchecked((int)0xC00D6D72);// FOR TEST HERE :: Audio Format Output (todo properties)
WaveFormat wfOutput = new WaveFormat(44100, 2);/* 1 Initialization */
MediaFoundationInterop.MFStartup(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_VERSION);/* 2. Create Resampler MFT Object
		CComPtr<IUnknown> spTransformUnk;
		IMFTransform *pTransform = NULL; //< this is Resampler MFT

		hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
							IID_IUnknown, (void**)&spTransformUnk);

CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject mediaComObject;
mediaComObject = new CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject();//hr = spTransformUnk->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pTransform));
IMFTransform pTransform = null;
pTransform = (IMFTransform)mediaComObject; //rsampler.Transform;/* 3. Specify input/output PCM format to Resampler MFT */

IMFMediaType mediaType = null;// Create MediaType
MediaFoundationInterop.MFCreateMediaType(out mediaType);// hr = pMediaType->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Audio));
mediaType.SetGUID(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, NAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaTypes.MFMediaType_Audio);// hr = pMediaType->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE,   (fmt.sampleFormat == MyBitFormatInt) ? MFAudioFormat_PCM : MFAudioFormat_Float);if (wfOutput.Encoding == WaveFormatEncoding.Pcm)
	mediaType.SetGUID(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_SUBTYPE, AudioSubtypes.MFAudioFormat_PCM);else
	mediaType.SetGUID(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_SUBTYPE, AudioSubtypes.MFAudioFormat_Float);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS,         fmt.nChannels);
mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS, wfOutput.Channels);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND,   fmt.sampleRate);
mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND, wfOutput.SampleRate);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT,      fmt.FrameBytes());
mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_AUDIO_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT, wfOutput.BlockAlign);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_AVG_BYTES_PER_SECOND, fmt.BytesPerSec());
mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_AUDIO_AVG_BYTES_PER_SECOND, wfOutput.AverageBytesPerSecond);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE,      fmt.bits);//mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, wfOutput.BitsPerSample);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_ALL_SAMPLES_INDEPENDENT,    TRUE);
* if (0 != fmt.dwChannelMask) {
* hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MASK, fmt.dwChannelMask);
* }
*/if (wfOutput.Encoding == WaveFormatEncoding.Pcm)
{/*	if (fmt.bits != fmt.validBitsPerSample) {
		hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_VALID_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, fmt.validBitsPerSample);
	mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, wfOutput.BitsPerSample);


// pTransform->SetInputType(0, spOutputType, 0);
pTransform.SetInputType(0, mediaType, 0);/* 4. Send stream start message to Resampler MFT *///	hr = pTransform->ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_COMMAND_FLUSH, NULL);
pTransform.ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE.MFT_MESSAGE_COMMAND_FLUSH, IntPtr.Zero);//	hr = pTransform->ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_BEGIN_STREAMING, NULL);// Erreur ????????????//pTransform.ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE.MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_BEGIN_STREAMING, IntPtr.Zero);//	hr = pTransform->ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_START_OF_STREAM, NULL);
pTransform.ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE.MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_START_OF_STREAM, IntPtr.Zero);/* 5. Create IMFSample from uncompressed PCM input data *//*
BYTE  *data = ...; //< input PCM data 
DWORD bytes = ...; //< bytes need to be smaller than approx. 1Mbytes

IMFMediaBuffer *pBuffer = NULL;
hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(bytes , &pBuffer);
*/// IMFMediaBuffer *pBuffer = NULL;
IMFMediaBuffer pBuffer = null;// hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(bytes , &pBuffer); 
MFCreateMemoryBuffer(wfOutput.AverageBytesPerSecond*4, out pBuffer);// BYTE  *pByteBufferTo = NULL;// hr = pBuffer->Lock(&pByteBufferTo, NULL, NULL);
IntPtr pByteBufferTo;int maxLength;int currentLength;
pBuffer.Lock(out pByteBufferTo, out maxLength, out currentLength);//memcpy(pByteBufferTo, data, bytes);byte[] data = newbyte[maxLength];

Marshal.Copy(pByteBufferTo,data,0,  maxLength);

//	pBuffer->Unlock();
pBuffer.Unlock();// pByteBufferTo = NULL;
pByteBufferTo = IntPtr.Zero;//hr = pBuffer->SetCurrentLength(bytes);
pBuffer.SetCurrentLength(maxLength);					//IMFSample *pSample = NULL;
IMFSample pSample = null;//hr = MFCreateSample(&pSample);
MediaFoundationInterop.MFCreateSample(out pSample);//hr = pSample->AddBuffer(pBuffer);
pSample.AddBuffer(pBuffer);// SafeRelease(&pBuffer);
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pBuffer);/* 6. Set input data to Resampler MFT */// hr = pTransform->ProcessInput(0, pSample, 0);
hr = pTransform.ProcessInput(0, pSample, 0);     // <- ERREUR !!!!!



New Post: Resampler Transform

you probably need to send the stream start message. Also, don't realease the buffer until you've processed the sample.

On 30 November 2012 14:47, ManuN <notifications@codeplex.com> wrote:

From: ManuN

So, I need your help.

I created this procedure from a c + + example
I came across an error (HResult): The called 0xC00D35B5 no longer accept additional input.
You know of this error?

IMFSourceReader retSourceReader = null;
int hr = 0;// ADD Constant
Guid  MF_MT_ALL_SAMPLES_INDEPENDENT = new Guid("c9173739-5e56-461c-b713-46fb995cb95f");// see MFErreurconstint MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT = unchecked((int)0xC00D6D72);// FOR TEST HERE :: Audio Format Output (todo properties)
WaveFormat wfOutput = new WaveFormat(44100, 2);/* 1 Initialization */
MediaFoundationInterop.MFStartup(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_VERSION);/* 2. Create Resampler MFT Object
		CComPtr<IUnknown> spTransformUnk;
		IMFTransform *pTransform = NULL; //< this is Resampler MFT

		hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
							IID_IUnknown, (void**)&spTransformUnk);

CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject mediaComObject;
mediaComObject = new CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject();//hr = spTransformUnk->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pTransform));
IMFTransform pTransform = null;
pTransform = (IMFTransform)mediaComObject; //rsampler.Transform;/* 3. Specify input/output PCM format to Resampler MFT */

IMFMediaType mediaType = null;// Create MediaType
MediaFoundationInterop.MFCreateMediaType(out mediaType);// hr = pMediaType->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Audio));
mediaType.SetGUID(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, NAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaTypes.MFMediaType_Audio);// hr = pMediaType->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE,   (fmt.sampleFormat == MyBitFormatInt) ? MFAudioFormat_PCM : MFAudioFormat_Float);if (wfOutput.Encoding == WaveFormatEncoding.Pcm)
	mediaType.SetGUID(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_SUBTYPE, AudioSubtypes.MFAudioFormat_PCM);else
	mediaType.SetGUID(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_SUBTYPE, AudioSubtypes.MFAudioFormat_Float);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS,         fmt.nChannels);
mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS, wfOutput.Channels);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND,   fmt.sampleRate);
mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND, wfOutput.SampleRate);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT,      fmt.FrameBytes());
mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_AUDIO_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT, wfOutput.BlockAlign);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_AVG_BYTES_PER_SECOND, fmt.BytesPerSec());
mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_AUDIO_AVG_BYTES_PER_SECOND, wfOutput.AverageBytesPerSecond);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE,      fmt.bits);//mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, wfOutput.BitsPerSample);// hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_ALL_SAMPLES_INDEPENDENT,    TRUE);
* if (0 != fmt.dwChannelMask) {
* hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MASK, fmt.dwChannelMask);
* }
*/if (wfOutput.Encoding == WaveFormatEncoding.Pcm)
{/*	if (fmt.bits != fmt.validBitsPerSample) {
		hr = pMediaType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AUDIO_VALID_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, fmt.validBitsPerSample);
	mediaType.SetUINT32(MediaFoundationAttributes.MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, wfOutput.BitsPerSample);


// pTransform->SetInputType(0, spOutputType, 0);
pTransform.SetInputType(0, mediaType, 0);/* 4. Send stream start message to Resampler MFT *///	hr = pTransform->ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_COMMAND_FLUSH, NULL);
pTransform.ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE.MFT_MESSAGE_COMMAND_FLUSH, IntPtr.Zero);//	hr = pTransform->ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_BEGIN_STREAMING, NULL);// Erreur ????????????//pTransform.ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE.MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_BEGIN_STREAMING, IntPtr.Zero);//	hr = pTransform->ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_START_OF_STREAM, NULL);
pTransform.ProcessMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE.MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_START_OF_STREAM, IntPtr.Zero);/* 5. Create IMFSample from uncompressed PCM input data *//*
BYTE  *data = ...; //< input PCM data 
DWORD bytes = ...; //< bytes need to be smaller than approx. 1Mbytes

IMFMediaBuffer *pBuffer = NULL;
hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(bytes , &pBuffer);
*/// IMFMediaBuffer *pBuffer = NULL;
IMFMediaBuffer pBuffer = null;// hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(bytes , &pBuffer); 
MFCreateMemoryBuffer(wfOutput.AverageBytesPerSecond*4, out pBuffer);// BYTE  *pByteBufferTo = NULL;// hr = pBuffer->Lock(&pByteBufferTo, NULL, NULL);
IntPtr pByteBufferTo;int maxLength;int currentLength;
pBuffer.Lock(out pByteBufferTo, out maxLength, out currentLength);//memcpy(pByteBufferTo, data, bytes);byte[] data = newbyte[maxLength];

Marshal.Copy(pByteBufferTo,data,0,  maxLength);

//	pBuffer->Unlock();
pBuffer.Unlock();// pByteBufferTo = NULL;
pByteBufferTo = IntPtr.Zero;//hr = pBuffer->SetCurrentLength(bytes);
pBuffer.SetCurrentLength(maxLength);					//IMFSample *pSample = NULL;
IMFSample pSample = null;//hr = MFCreateSample(&pSample);
MediaFoundationInterop.MFCreateSample(out pSample);//hr = pSample->AddBuffer(pBuffer);
pSample.AddBuffer(pBuffer);// SafeRelease(&pBuffer);
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pBuffer);/* 6. Set input data to Resampler MFT */// hr = pTransform->ProcessInput(0, pSample, 0);
hr = pTransform.ProcessInput(0, pSample, 0);     // <- ERREUR !!!!!

Read the full discussion online.

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New Post: Resampler Transform



I deleted the Marshal.ReleaseComObject (pBuffer) but it is always the same

New Post: Resampler Transform


the message MFT_MESSAGE_START_OF_STREAM is already performing. (see Part 4)

New Post: Resampler Transform

I think you need to work out why it isn't accepting the MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_BEGIN_STREAMING message

On 30 November 2012 15:10, ManuN <notifications@codeplex.com> wrote:

From: ManuN

the message MFT_MESSAGE_START_OF_STREAM is already performing. (see Part 4)

Read the full discussion online.

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New Post: Resampler Transform



Error :: A valid type was not specified for this data stream or stream on which it depends

New Post: Resampler Transform

probably it doesn't like your input type. I've been doing WMA encoding today and it is very fussy about the exact input type as well.

On 30 November 2012 15:28, ManuN <notifications@codeplex.com> wrote:

m: ManuN


Error :: A valid type was not specified for this data stream or stream on which it depends

New Post: Resampler Transform


I probably need to follow this procedure

Get Stream Identifiers

An MFT has one or more streams. Input streams receive input data, and output streams generate output data. Streams are not represented as distinct objects. Instead, various MFT methods take stream identifiers as parameters.

Some MFTs allow the client to add or remove input streams. During streaming, an MFT can add or remove output streams. (The client cannot add or remove output streams.)

  1. (Optional.) Call IMFTransform::GetStreamLimits to get the minimum and maximum number of streams that the MFT can support. If the minimum and maximum are the same, the MFT has a fixed number of streams.
  2. Call IMFTransform::GetStreamCount to get the initial number of streams.
  3. Call IMFTransform::GetStreamIDs to get the stream identifiers. If this method returns E_NOTIMPL, it means the MFT has a fixed number of streams, and the stream identifiers are consecutive starting from zero.
  4. (Optional.) If the MFT does not have a fixed number of streams, call IMFTransform::AddInputStreams to add more input streams, or IMFTransform::DeleteInputStream to remove input streams. (You cannot add or remove output streams.)


reference : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa965264(v=vs.85).aspx

New Post: Resampler Transform


yes obviously

After searching the label of the error

hr = pTransform.ProcessInput(0, pSample, 0);     // <- ERREUR == MF_E_NOTACCEPTING

Not accepting, not accepting , pffffff :-(

New Post: How to code circullar buffer to create a delay and used the wavein for micrcophone and output to speaker?


Hi Mark thank you for responding, 

I am newbie to this framework. kindly explain how to do it? your answer was "put the audio received into a BufferedWaveProvider and play from that."

I don't get it actually. please help me for this stuff. 




New Post: Resampler Transform


Hello,I continue my investigations.

But obviously there are some errors in interface Transform


///<summary>/// Gets the buffer requirements and other information for an input stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). ///</summary>///<remarks>/// virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetInputStreamInfo( ///     DWORD dwInputStreamID,///     /* [out] */ __RPC__out MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO *pStreamInfo) = 0;///</remarks>void GetInputStreamInfo([In] int dwInputStreamID, [In, Out] MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO pStreamInfo);

Modify to 
void GetInputStreamInfo([In] int dwInputStreamID, out MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO pStreamInfo);

Same erreur in GetOutputStreamInfo

Exact ?????

New Post: Resampler Transform

that is a strange one. The MSDN documentation says [out] but it is only a single level of indirection. I would expect a **ppStreamInfo for a genuine out parameter, which is why I made it [In,Out] (I assumed the caller creates the struct and it is filled in by the user). I'll see what is in the header file

On 1 December 2012 08:03, ManuN <notifications@codeplex.com> wrote:

New Post: Resampler Transform

From what I can see, the user is supposed to allocate the memory. To use the out keyword, I would need to turn MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO into a struct instead of a class (I use class normally as it allows us to pass nulls if needed). Have you tried it with your alternative method signature?

On 1 December 2012 08:09, Mark Heath <mark.heath@gmail.com> wrote:
that is a strange one. The MSDN documentation says [out] but it is only a single level of indirection. I would expect a **ppStreamInfo for a genuine out parameter, which is why I made it [In,Out] (I assumed the caller creates the struct and it is filled in by the user). I'll see what is in the header file

On 1 December 2012 08:03, ManuN <notifications@codeplex.com> wrote:

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