I have a question and comment, about a big problem i see on the library related to MIDI IN.
When reciv MIDI NOTES, naudio show the incming notes with letters notes instead show 0 to 127 number.
This is a big problem.
Nos possible show, NOTE NUMBERS, instead note letters when use e.MidiEvent?
When you send midi note, NUMBERS 0 to 127 are used, when reciv notes should be the same.
Is possible please add that feature?
The best way should be something like:
e.MidiEvent.Channel , inform the chanel where midi is incoming
e.MidiEvent.Number , show number of MIDI note, or midi CC,
example, if mide note incoming is 126 should show:
is is midi CC 126, shoudl show, CC126
e.MidiEvent.Value , value show the volume form 0 to 127 midi ote or midi CC
Is to much request add this feature please?
the curent implemntation of MIDI in, make very complex work with MIDI NOTES!
Best regards.